pondelok 21. novembra 2011

How to Conquer Your Sales Fears

Christine Buffaloe, Founder, Serenity 
Virtual Assistant Services
    For most entrepreneurs, they struggle with many numbers of issues, such as, lack of confidence in themselves or their product and fear of sales. Experts say there can be overcome with the proper attitude, training and practice. Here are five of the most common fears about selling and how they can be conquered.
   Fear of making a negative first impression. It is important to giving people a good first impression. in order to do that, you can show credibility through your appearance and nonverbal behavior. wearing the cloth which is fit to the occasions. For example, wear a suit with tie when your audience is business people. and wear hot pink or purple when your audience is school-aged girls. Secondly, focus on nonverbal behaviors like smiling and open posture.
   Fear of being rejected. It is not 100% of the time you are success to sell product. Some experienced salespeople is able to come over for it, some newcomers may regard failure as the end of the world. First of all, understanding the reasons behind a rejection can help you refine your product. Then is award to know that the more you did it the better you become at it, and less fear was the result.
   Fear of  coming across as pushy. Maybe you have seen a salesperson who keep pushing and pressuring you to buy the product. this is a problem that mane business owners worry to be impolite to consumers. Expert suggests  to  focus more on having a conversation with consumers than simply selling, and learn the consumers' needs and ask yourself what you are offering is of real value to the person. when you care about your consumers, it is easier to develop a sense of trust, then you are more likely to make the sale.

Tanner Shepard, Co-founder, 
Ranch Road Creative Solutions
     Fear of unsure the right or wrong. Maybe some salesperson  can not  sure if they use the tight tactics and offering people what they need? Debra Condren, president and CEO of Manhattan Business Coaching and author of Ambition is not A Dirty Word recmmends learning sales techniques by attending a training program.  Tanner Shepard co-founded Austin, Texas-based Ranch Road Creative Solutions, a marketing services provider, in 2005, he gained confidence only after an intensive weekly sales course. "I had to challenge myself out of my comfort zone," he says.

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